One of Edinburgh and the Lothian’s most sustainable organisations has made the shortlist for this year’s Vision in Business for the Environment of Scotland (VIBES) Awards.
Winton House, the leading exclusive use hospitality venue near Edinburgh, is pleased to be short listed for the small and medium sized business and micro business management categories of the VIBES Awards. Winton is among the 34 companies shortlisted for this year’s awards.
The prestigious awards programme has been recognising the commitment, actions and achievements of Scottish companies in reducing their impact on the environment for nearly 13 years.
This year’s VIBES shortlist includes a diverse range of companies from across Scotland which have employed environmental best practice in their day-to-day activity to cut down on resource use, increase sustainability, improve reputation and improve the company’s bottom-line.
Sir Francis Ogilvy, owner and factor, at Winton House says: “Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability have always been central to the ethos and management of Winton House and its 2,500 acre Winton Estate.
“We are committed to a management style that encourages environmental sustainability across all our products, often exceeding best practice. Our long term ambitions are to have a prosperous estate which supports businesses and communities, and plays a constructive part in the county.
“Most of our employees, tradesmen and outside contractors, including chefs and food and drink suppliers, live locally in East Lothian; and, for many years, all the money made has been ploughed back into the estate and the local economy.”
The winners of this year’s nine categories will be announced at a special ceremony taking place on 29 November 2012 at The Glasgow Marriott Hotel. The keynote speaker will be David Wilson, Director of Energy and Climate Change at the Scottish Government.
Gillian Bruce, VIBES Chair said: “Each year the standard of applications seems to get better and better and it is incredible to see the quality of organisations make the shortlist this year.
“Our expert judging panel of environmental specialists from a variety of sectors has been visiting sites across the country to evaluate each of the shortlisted applications first-hand and we have been suitably impressed.
“Sustainable business practice is about making the most of the resources you have in order to cut carbon emissions, which of course translate to savings. Despite the economic gloom, the companies in the VIBES 2012 shortlist have demonstrated tremendous dedication and commitment and we hope they will reap the benefits of their savings for years to come.”
There are nine awards this year, including a new category: The Collaboration Award. Winners will be selected from the following categories:
• Management Award: large company category (more than 250 employees)
• Management Award: SME (up to 250 employees)
• Energy
• Waste and Resources
• Transport
• Environmental and Clean Technology
• Changing Behaviour
• Best Micro Business
• Collaboration Award
VIBES is a strategic partnership between: Carbon Trust, CBI Scotland, Co-operative Development Scotland, Energy Saving Trust, Green Business Partnership, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Scottish Enterprise, Scottish Government, Scottish Water, Scottish Environment Protection Agency and Zero Waste Scotland.
It is the only Scottish awards scheme which feeds into the European Business Awards for the Environment (EBAE). By winning a VIBES Award, companies are eligible to enter the EBAE, which attract entries from the cream of Europe’s most environmentally positive businesses.
Sponsors of this year’s VIBES Awards include: Management Award (SME) sponsor Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation (ECCI), Environmental & Clean Technology Award sponsor Scottish Power, Changing Behaviour Award sponsor Chivas Brothers, Transport Award sponsor Energy Saving Trust Scotland and Energy Award sponsor the Scottish Government.
Regular updates on the VIBES Awards 2012 will be posted on Twitter before and during the ceremony. Follow @VibesAwards or visit their blog.
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