Winton House, a castle and estate in East Lothian near Edinburgh, has just been re-awarded a Gold Green Tourism Business Scheme (GTBS) Award, confirming its environmental credentials as an exclusive use, hospitality venue. The award reflects Winton’s long-standing green ethos and its approach to sustainability.
More specifically, the Gold Award recognises its investment in an upgraded biomass heating system, support for local staff and suppliers, waste-cutting, recycling and wildlife biodiversity.
Sir Francis Ogilvy, owner and factor of Winton Estate, says: “Operating sustainably is part of our ethos: we aim to employ local people, use local East Lothian suppliers and minimize our waste. We’ve just invested in a second generation biomass heating system which burns wood chips made from low grade timber from the estate.

“Doing what we can to be sustainable also makes commercial sense. However, we live and learn, and plan on doing more.
“Our events team runs a number of green activities and we’re keen to put together events for the increasing number of companies who support corporate sustainability.”
The GBTS audit report states: ‘It is clear that the estate owners are passionate about sustainability and the on-site management staff share that enthusiasm and drive for improvement.
‘A new biomass heating system, fed from local wood chips, is supplying heating and hot water for the estate, without recourse to the oil back up.
‘Produce from the East Lothian larder features strongly in catering and there are beautiful home produced meats and honey from the estate.
‘Other highlights include strong community links, an excellent walking network and very well presented website with comprehensive green content…’
Visit Winton’s website for more information on our approach to corporate responsibility.
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December 1, 2021