Kim Osborne, the Kelso-based author of children’s books, will be signing her recently published ‘Furry Tales for Little People’ series at Winton House’s Family Spring Open Day on Sunday 13th of April (12 – 4.30 pm). Kim’s first book was published in September last year, but they are already proving popular with many 4 to 10 year olds.
Funds from the Open Day are going to local charities, The Bethany Trust and Maggie’s Centres (through Scotland’s Gardens).
The author will be signing and reading her books at Winton House. Children will be able to put their names into a prize draw for a signed collection of her short stories and meet Speechy the bear who is expected to make a guest appearance.
Kim Osborne says:
“I have published three books so far: ‘Algy in the Dragon’s Den’, ‘Ghoulies & Ghosties – The Halloween Party’, and ‘A Sticky Moment in the Treacle Mine’. I’m currently working on my next one, ‘The Strange Affair of the Wallaby’s Teeth’, due out later in the year.”
From an early age, Kim loved the magical world of books; a place she continues to visit today, and has never lost the thrill of losing herself in a good story. When Kim’s children were young she read to them at night, and often found herself making up entertaining tales, encouraging their growing minds to become active and imaginative.
Kim’s books are inspired by observing her nieces and nephews, as well as her own children:
“Why is it that one child likes getting sticky and covered with treacle, but another doesn’t? Children like to dream about doing things they’re not allowed to do.
“I’d always wanted to write short stories for young children – one of my own dreams that I have made come true!”
Her books show the funny side of the tight corners that children get themselves into, and reflect her own beliefs. The main characters are Algy, Bun, Uncle Rumpus from Russia and Shorty the Scotty dog.
Kim Osborne’s books will be available for purchase at Winton House on Sunday 13th of April and can also be bought from www.amazon.co.uk.
There will be craft stalls, activities, tours of Winton House and a photography competition at the Family Spring Open Day at Winton House on Sunday 13th of April (12 – 4.30 pm).