Edinburgh Scottland Spartan Sprint obstacle course trail race

Spartan Race describes itself as “the world’s leading obstacle race series. It’s an event of pure primitive craziness that you’ll never forget!” These Spartans are a unique culture and community of athletes striving together to overcome any and everything.

Spartans believed that while on earth they should achieve one moment of excellence but that they might die trying!

Anyway, Spartan Edinburgh is being hosted by Winton House this Sunday September 15th, between 10 am and 1pm, with start times every 30 minutes. This one’s a mere 5km race called a Spartan Sprint so it’s not too far.

There are some staples in the Spartan Race repertoire and understood to be some “terrain inspired obstacles”.

Spartan Sprint 3+ Mile Obstacle Course Race

As Dean Newman of Spartan says: “We will not, however, spell it out for you. As well, you will get no course map to inspect.  There is fire, mud, water, barbed wire, and occasionally Hell on Earth. There WILL be obstacles to catch you off guard. Curve balls, so to speak. Get over it.

“We’re here to rip you from your comfort zone. If you need a road map for each step of the way, then maybe this race isn’t for you.”

All racers will receive: Finishers Medal; Free Spartan Race T-Shirt; Scrapes and Bruises; Stories, stories, and more stories.

All parking is close to Winton House off the Tranent to Pencaitland road (via the North Lodge). There will be a £5.00 per car (cash) parking fee collected when you park. Please don’t park on the roads or you will be ticketed. This applies to anyone (spectators, racers, King Leonidas, etc).

For more information and to book in your team go to www.spartanrace.com

Winton House. Exclusive use venue. Putting the fun back into corporate and private hospitality and activities.